5 Tips To Keep Your Establishment Top Of Mind

With the changing the consumer landscape, we are here to provide you with ways in which you can keep your business top of mind!

 1. Offer gift card bonuses – often used around the holidays, offer customers an extra bang for their buck by including a bonus with every gift card purchase.

2. Host a virtual seminar or Q&A – all businesses have at least one thing they excel at and someone who does it best. Work with a team member, such as a barista or chef, for a virtual Q&A where consumers can tune in and learn. Utilizing platforms such as Instagram and Facebook Live will allow you to engage with your audience in real time.

3. Be honest and transparent – We’re all living in a state of the unknown right now, so be honest with your customers about where you’re at through communication channels such as email and social media! Explain the extra steps you’re taking to keep employees and customers safe and anything that may be changing with business due to current circumstances.

4. Position yourself as a community player – Partner with other businesses in the area to offer more for your community! Bring your goods or services to local emergency response teams, doctors’ offices and hospitals or even offices.

5. Surprise and delight – Throw in something extra with every purchase or order. It could be something related to the times we’re going through now (free toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer) or could be something extra (free $5 gift card, free dessert, etc.). Now is the time to make an impression on your customers and let them know you’re here for them.
